Spam filtering as standard.Let's be honest, no-one really likes receiving junk mail particularly when it bloats your inbox - at the very least you waste hours per week deleting unwanted email and at worst, you could fall victim to a phishing attempt or other security related breach.

Let's be honest, no-one really likes receiving junk mail particularly when it bloats your inbox - at the very least you waste hours per week deleting unwanted email and at worst, you could fall victim to a phishing attempt or other security related breach.

It's estimated that over 50% of email generated is spam, equating to hundreds of billions of unwanted, unsolicited and potentially malicious emails arriving at inboxes around the globe… and internet providers seem unable or unwilling to stop it at source.

There have been high profile cases where bulk-spammers have been tracked down and brought to justice, fines imposed and their servers closed down but these are, sadly, in the minority and the activity continues unabated.

Thankfully, there are mechanisms available to businesses to drastically reduce known and suspected spam laden email from arriving in the first instance thereby reducing inbox bloat, releasing hogged bandwidth, increasing security and freeing valuable time.

At Iosys we believe that security should be the very first item on the agenda when it comes to 'online' and we've already led the charge in championing increased website security by including SSL encryption as standard across all of our client websites.

Our Managing Director, Craig Johnson said, "Since implementation of our gateway spam filters we've seen a 99% drop in spam arriving at the inbox - a drastic and very welcome reduction! We're delighted to be rolling this service out to our client base - for free".

Iosys are now providing gateway email filtering to its client's hosted email accounts, as standard for no extra charge.